Eva Neu

eneu at umass dot edu

Department of Linguistics
N408 Integrative Learning Center
University of Mass. Amherst
650 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003


I am a fourth year PhD student at the Linguistics Department of the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I hold an MA in Linguistics from University College London and a BA in Comparative Literature from Free University of Berlin.

My research is broadly concerned with syntax and its relation to the lexicon. At LF, I work on argument structure with a focus on how the lexical semantics of roots determine their syntactic profile, and towards PF, I work on various aspects of morphology and its interface with syntax. I dabble in computational modelling and distributional semantics and I have an interest in language contact and diachrony.

My last name is pronounced [nɔɪ]. I welcome all reasonable realizations of my first name. My pronouns are she/her.

This is a low-carbon website. It is also under construction, possibly for a while.


◽  New paper on suspended affixation submitted.

◽  I will be at NELS 55 in October at Yale with a talk on Turkish inflectional morphology.