Journal papers

Submitted. A puzzle from suspended affixation. [pdf]

Submitted. Hybridity and change in Turkish inflectional morphology. [pdf]

Accepted with minor revisions. Direct causatives of unergatives: A view from variable unaccusativity. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. [pdf]

Proceedings papers

To appear. (With Faruk Akkuş.) Causatives without causation: Involvee causatives in Turkish. Proceedings of the 42nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. [pdf]

To appear. The realization of agreement in the Turkish verbal domain. Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic. [pdf]

2024. (With Faruk Akkuş.) Involvee causatives in Turkish. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America (PLSA) 9(1). 5703. [pdf]

2023. Causatives of unergatives in Hindi-Urdu. Coyote Papers 25: Proceedings of ALC 16. 71–78. [pdf]

2023. Against a low subject analysis of causatives of unergatives. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America (PLSA) 8(1). 5527. [pdf]

Unpublished stuff

2023. Variable agreement with conjoined subjects in German: Testing the grammatical lacuna hypothesis. Ms., UMass Amherst. [pdf] [code]